Midlife is a time to strengthen your faith. It is a time to be anchored by your faith as life begins to throw more complex challenges at you.
The story waves & strong currents will wash away part of the things you have called foundation all your life, yet you need to stand firm and agile, ready to face the storms & come out stronger with a different perspective & higher resolve to thrive & become who you intended to become.
The anchors of our soul become tested, but over the years we should have developed a strong belief system to help us keep winning & growing for a greater future. This is not the time to give up & give in to your fears. This is the time to put on your courage & set your dreams & goals at a higher scale.
You have to make your goals & vision louder than the challenges & make your energy & passion stronger than the opposing forces.
Invest in progressive support systems that will remind you of why you started & what you are capable of doing.
Take time to support & empathise with others & be a good communicator.
Today is another opportunity to strengthen & build your faith & face the future with courage and confidence.
Are you ready to take this opportunity?