Emotional Transitions
Your emotions flare for reasons you sometimes cannot even explain.
Our post today may give some insight into your emotional state.
Middlescence voyage is accompanied by powerful hormonal forces that overtake the settled and routinized minds and bodies of both male and female.
We might have underestimated the impact of the changes in the hormonal balances affecting the hair, body, desires, and especially the mind and the brain.
Our lives and relationships are suddenly challenged when our partner who was happy, contented, cooperative and progressive, suddenly becomes angry, withdrawn, and contentious.
What inspired this new personal expression? Was it social pressure, marital pressure, changing hormonal structures, or other career factors?
Why do these hormonal changes coincide with social function changes, sprouting desires, emotional changes and other body function changes happening to many at midlife?
It is time to talk to someone about your sudden changes and your feelings of being out of control at this stage.
Midlife Emotional Expressions
There are emotional intelligence questions that require honest and clear answers as you head towards midlife.
What is the root of my emotional spectrum rating?
How well can I recognize and name or anticipate my emotions?
What is the impact of my emotions on my family and close friends?
Have I defined my emotions as something that was innate or inflicted on me and therefore I cannot change it?
Who has my emotions turned me into?
The biggest part of you is most likely your emotions, therefore, it is important to have a clear assessment of your emotional spectrum and see the impact on your life and relationships.
Shady was a top executive on a project where I was working as a management consultant. On my first day at work, I arrived at the office and spent some minutes in my car, getting my things together and preparing myself for the day. I got distracted by some noise and looked out to see Shady in a high volume conversation with the security men, shouting and saying unthinkable things.
A few minutes later, she drove into the car park and her driver apologised for coming late, she then spoke unsavoury things to him with such high velocity speech.
I had also come down from my car with my things and I walked up to her to greet.
“Good morning Shady, trust you are doing well. You look beautiful in that dress.”
She looked at me for a few seconds then said - “Oh thank you” - drawing the thank you longer.
Why is she so upset at 8.00am and why do I feel all her staff members are so used to her emotional state?
This is a common story that plays out at work and at home, but you can begin to reassess your emotional state and make some changes.
You can read our post on Midlife Awesome.
Learn how to realise and appreciate your awesomeness at midlife.