“There is so much noise in the world today that we’ve forgotten to hear the beautiful sound of silence.”
Steven Aitchison
Finding Yourself
Sometimes all we need to do to find ourselves is to disconnect from the world for a few hours.
Reconnecting with your true self and discovering your true worth requires active personal attention to the core things that will inspire you.
Erase Distractions
Stand away from the noise, disconnect from the images the world is constantly creating for you.
Settle and create your own imagination - re-engage with your dreams.
Unclog your mind, set your heart only on those things that are of highest priority to you and take the steps towards achieving them.
Know Your Worth
You are valuable in yourself and in your state. You are valuable in your existence . You are valuable because you are uniquely you.
Your value is not only a state of what you do but who you are.
Becoming skilled, knowledgeable, and successful is great but you need to first believe that you are enough through your belief in the creative power that formed you.
Decide To Disconnect
When you disconnect from the noise and pressures of everyday life, take a decision to reconstruct yourself, reassess your belief and set a new path to your life.
Make up your mind to:
Live passionately
Love expressively
Give gracefully
Care heartily
Learn humbly
Create value
Do these because you are you, because these are the promises you have made to yourself.
Become actively conscious of yourself and your vibes.
Become aware of the narratives you project out.
Become more conscious of the personality and temperament that you express.
Become more curious about the principles and preferences that underguards your life and the implications on you.
Become aware of your words, influences, directions, and your active contemplations.
Doing this will help you locate yourself and reconstruct yourself for a greater future.